Asphalt Repair & Patching
#1 Asphalt Repair
Over time parking lots will start to deteriorate if regular asphalt repair is not provided, due to weather conditions, age of the asphalt, the amount of use, and various other factors. It is important to undergo routine parking lot maintenance in order to prevent large scale damage from occurring. The sign of damage can be seen in many different forms from potholes, cracking, ware, etc.
Potholes in Asphalt Repair
Potholes are disturbances that appear most often in parking lots. A pothole is formed when water is present under the structure and weakens the supporting soil. As traffic moves over the asphalt area the pressure breaks through the pavement causing a hole to appear. These spots can start as small impressions and become large depressions or even holes in the parking lot. A common technique known as “patching” is performed to repair a pothole. Patching consists of using hot or cold asphalt mix to fill into the area of the pothole. The same technique could apply to unsealed or improperly sealed cracks which is covered in our page “cracksealing”.
To further protect the condition of a parking lot we recommend including sealcoating as part of the routine asphalt maintenance. Sealcoating provides a blanket of support to the asphalt area, slowing down deterioration which we later cover under “sealcoating”.